The most common cause of death within 10 years following a diagnosis of prostate cancer is heart disease. Therefore, diets that are healthy for your heart are also healthy for your prostate. There are no specific dietary supplements that have been universally proven to inhibit prostate cancer. The following points can be used as a guide to increase your general well-being and your chances of a longer life expectancy.

  1. Normal cholesterol and blood lipid levels
  2. Normal blood sugar levels
  3. Normal blood pressure
  4. Low stress /anxiety
  5. 1-2 servings of fibre each day
  6. Exercise 30 minutes per day including resistance training
  7. 1-2 standard drinks of alcohol per day
  8. Normal waist circumference
  • Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
  • Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate
  • da Vinci Surgery